Meissen " Three Graces" Potpourri Vase circa
1860 Beautifully painted - crossed swords mark $

Another View of Potpourri vase

Very Rare and early Meissen Fishwife from the Sounds of Paris Modeled by Peter
Reinicke circa 1756 $ 5,000.00

Rare Meissen Yellow Ground small covered jug Painting
after Boucher Circa 1790 $ 3,200.00

Rare Meissen Yellow Ground Vase Unusual Red Oxide Painting with Flowers and
People in a Landscape on the reverse Circa 1785 $ 3,500

Meissen Yellow Ground Reverse

A very rare Meissen Ploughhorse By Porzellanmeister J.J. Kaendler Circa 1750 $ 4,500.00

A very fine Meissen "Gartenblumen" Cream Jug Circa 1770 $ 1,000.00

Meissen Vase Crossed Swords Mark $ 475.00

A very Large Meissen Onion Platter $ 375.00

Meissen Cherub Restored c. 1860 $ 500.00
